Complete the sentence: His favorite food is Complete the sentence: He likes koalas. His favorite food is Complete the sentence: He likes rabbits. His favorite food is Complete the sentence: He likes monkeys. His favorite food is Complete the sentence: He likes horses. His favorite food is Complete the sentence: He likes giraffes. His favorite food is Complete the sentence: He likes dolphins. His favorite food is Complete the sentence: He likes pandas. His favorite food is Complete the sentence: He likes eagles. His favorite food is Complete the sentence: He likes snakes. His favorite food is Complete the sentence: He likes sharks. His favorite food is Complete the sentence: He likes lions. His favorite food is Complete the sentence: He likes mice. His favorite food is Complete the sentence: He likes sloths. His favorite food is Complete the sentence: He likes ants. His favorite food is Complete the sentence: He likes kangaroos. His favorite food is Complete the sentence: He likes butterflies. His favorite food is Complete the sentence: John's father is working as a Complete the sentence: John likes dolphins. John's father is working as a Complete the sentence: John likes horses. John's father is working as a Complete the sentence: John likes tigers. John's father is working as a Complete the sentence: John likes rabbits. John's father is working as a Complete the sentence: John likes lions. John's father is working as a Complete the sentence: John likes snakes. John's father is working as a Complete the sentence: John likes birds. John's father is working as a Complete the sentence: The fruit on the table is Complete the sentence: The room is yellow. The fruit on the table is Complete the sentence: The room is red. The fruit on the table is Complete the sentence: The room is purple. The fruit on the table is Complete the sentence: The room is green. The fruit on the table is Complete the sentence: The room is blue. The fruit on the table is Complete the sentence: He works as a Complete the sentence: He likes green. He works as a Complete the sentence: He likes yellow. He works as a Complete the sentence: He likes red. He works as a Complete the sentence: He likes blue. He works as a Complete the sentence: He likes white. He works as a Complete the sentence: His favorite song is Complete the sentence: He is a firefighter. His favorite song is Complete the sentence: He is a doctor. His favorite song is Complete the sentence: He is a postman. His favorite song is Complete the sentence: He is a policeman. His favorite song is Complete the sentence: He is a carpenter. His favorite song is Complete the sentence: He is a judge. His favorite song is Complete the sentence: For dinner he had Complete the sentence: He watched a fado concert. For dinner he had Complete the sentence: He watched a polka concert. For dinner he had Complete the sentence: He watched a flamenco concert. For dinner he had Complete the sentence: He watched a bossanova concert. For dinner he had Complete the sentence: He watched a klezmer concert. For dinner he had Complete the sentence: He watched a samba concert. For dinner he had Complete the sentence: My dad works as a Complete the sentence: My dad likes spy movies. He works as a Complete the sentence: My dad likes comedy movies. He works as a Complete the sentence: My dad likes thriller movies. He works as a Complete the sentence: My dad likes drama movies. He works as a Complete the sentence: My dad likes documentary movies. He works as a Complete the sentence: My dad likes romance movies. He works as a Complete the sentence: My dad likes action movies. He works as a Complete the sentence: My mom works as a Complete the sentence: My mom likes to eat bread. She works as a Complete the sentence: My mom likes to eat cakes. She works as a Complete the sentence: My mom likes to eat candies. She works as a Complete the sentence: My mom likes to eat vegetables. She works as a Complete the sentence: My mom likes to eat tofu. She works as a Complete the sentence: My mom likes to eat seafood. She works as a Complete the sentence: Her friend lives in Complete the sentence: Her name is Coral. Her friend lives in Complete the sentence: Her name is River. Her friend lives in Complete the sentence: Her name is Ivy. Her friend lives in Complete the sentence: His friend lives in Complete the sentence: His name is Cedar. His friend lives in Complete the sentence: His name is Forest. His friend lives in Complete the sentence: His name is Ocean. His friend lives in Complete the sentence: She has a friend. The friend's hobby is Complete the sentence: Harmony has a friend. The friend's hobby is Complete the sentence: Mercedes has a friend. The friend's hobby is Complete the sentence: Olive has a friend. The friend's hobby is Complete the sentence: He has a friend. The friend's hobby is Complete the sentence: Forest has a friend. The friend's hobby is Complete the sentence: River has a friend. The friend's hobby is Complete the sentence: Rye has a friend. The friend's hobby is Complete the sentence: Her nephew was accused of Complete the sentence: She is a nature lover. Her nephew was accused of Complete the sentence: She is an art lover. Her nephew was accused of Complete the sentence: She is a music lover. Her nephew was accused of Complete the sentence: She is a cinema lover. Her nephew was accused of Complete the sentence: She is a science lover. Her nephew was accused of Complete the sentence: He had a favorite class in elementary school. His cousin failed Complete the sentence: His favorite class in elementary school was writing. His cousin failed Complete the sentence: His favorite class in elementary school was math. His cousin failed Complete the sentence: His favorite class in elementary school was reading. His cousin failed Complete the sentence: His favorite class in elementary school was science. His cousin failed Complete the sentence: His favorite class in elementary school was P.E. His cousin failed Complete the sentence: His favorite class in elementary school was art. His cousin failed Complete the sentence: She went on a field trip. Her sister got a gift from a friend: a shirt with a print of Complete the sentence: She went on a field trip to the zoo. Her sister got a gift from a friend: a shirt with a print of Complete the sentence: She went on a field trip to a cultural center. Her sister got a gift from a friend: a shirt with a print of Complete the sentence: She went on a field trip to the science museum. Her sister got a gift from a friend: a shirt with a print of Complete the sentence: She went on a field trip to explore tide pools. Her sister got a gift from a friend: a shirt with a print of Complete the sentence: She went on a field trip to the botanical gardens. Her sister got a gift from a friend: a shirt with a print of Complete the sentence: She drove somewhere. On the radio they were playing the song Complete the sentence: She drove to New York. On the radio they were playing the song Complete the sentence: She drove to Paris. On the radio they were playing the song Complete the sentence: She drove to London. On the radio they were playing the song Complete the sentence: She drove to Rome. On the radio they were playing the song Complete the sentence: She drove to San Francisco. On the radio they were playing the song Complete the sentence: She drove to California. On the radio they were playing the song Complete the sentence: She drove to Tokyo. On the radio they were playing the song Complete the sentence: She drove to Barcelona. On the radio they were playing the song Complete the sentence: She gave him permission to start the new project. The day later he sent an invitation to everyone by mail, with an envelope colored Complete the sentence: She gave him the green light for the new project. The day later he sent an invitation to everyone by mail, with an envelope colored Complete the sentence: The company has more money going out than coming in. Here is a description of what the CEO is wearing: Complete the sentence: The company is in the red. Here is a description of what the CEO is wearing: Complete the sentence: She is uninformed about her family’s plans. Here is a description of what she is wearing: Complete the sentence: She is being kept in the dark about her family’s plans. Here is a description of what she is wearing: Complete the sentence: He has revealed who he really is through his recent behavior. His sister works as a Complete the sentence: He has shown his true colors through his recent behavior. His sister works as a Complete the sentence: He was born into a privileged background. He was wearing Complete the sentence: He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He was wearing Complete the sentence: The woman was extremely unfriendly. Afterwards, I went to the library and read Complete the sentence: The woman was as cold as ice. Afterwards, I went to the library and read Complete the sentence: He was extremely unfriendly. Afterwards, I went to the zoo and saw Complete the sentence: He was cold as ice. Afterwards, I went to the zoo and saw Complete the sentence: He hid all the problems instead of dealing with them. Then he went to the market to buy a new Complete the sentence: He swept all the problems under the rug. Then he went to the market to buy a new Complete the sentence: He was caught in a lie, and now he is in trouble. Today’s temperature is: Complete the sentence: He was caught in a lie, and now he is in hot water. Today’s temperature is: Complete the sentence: At parties, he is always someone who spoils other people’s fun. Today’s weather is Complete the sentence: At parties, he is always a wet blanket. Today’s weather is Complete the sentence: It was her turn to speak and she got nervous. A day later she stayed at home because she got hurt in her Complete the sentence: It was her turn to speak and she got cold feet. A day later she stayed at home because she got hurt in her Complete the sentence: He was very envious. He was wearing a shirt colored Complete the sentence: He was green with envy. He was wearing a shirt colored Complete the sentence: He was very angry. He was wearing a shirt colored Complete the sentence: He was red with anger. He was wearing a shirt colored Complete the sentence: He was very sad. He was wearing a shirt colored Complete the sentence: He was feeling blue. He was wearing a shirt colored Complete the sentence: She drinks a lot of alcohol. At the museum, we saw Complete the sentence: She drinks like a fish. At the museum, we saw